Garcatri Deluxe Transport

Legal notice


Name of command:

Commercial name: Garcatri Deluxe Transport

Social denomination: Garcatri SL

NIF: B29109741

Domicile: PO box, 688 – 29680 Estepona (Málaga-Spain)

Telephone: 952791680


Inscribed in the Register (Mercantile / Public): Mercantile Register of Málaga. Volume 2216, Book 1129, Folio 114, Section 8, Leaf MA 33551


Garcatri SL, manager of the website, from now on the Provider, puts to disposal of the users the present document with which pretends to give fulfillment to the willing obligations in the Law 34/2002, of Services of the Information Society and of the E-commerce (LSSICE), as well as inform to all the users of the website with regard to which are the instructions for use of the same.

Any person who accesses this web site assumes the role of user, committing to the observance and rigorous fulfillment of the provisions here arranged, as well as to any other legal provision that out of application.

The Provider reserves  the right to modify any type of information that could appear in the website, without that it exist obligation of notify or put in knowledge of the users said obligations, understanding as sufficient with the publication in the website of the Provider.


The Provider exempts of any type of derivative responsibility of the information published in his website, whenever this information have been manipulated or entered by a third extraneous to the same.


This website can use technical cookies (small archives of information that the server sends to the computer of the one who accesses to the page) to carry out determinate functions that are considered indispensable for the correct operation and display of the place. The cookies used have, in his greater part, temporary character, with the only purpose to do more effective the navigation, and disappear when finishing the session of the user. In no case, these cookies provide by himself same data of personal character and will not use for the collected of the same.

By means of the use of cookies also is possible that the server where finds the web recognize the browser used by the user with the purpose that the navigation was simpler, allowing, for example, the access of the users that have registered previously to the areas, services, promotions or contests reserved exclusively to them without having to register in each visit. Also they can use to measure the audience, parameters of traffic, control the progress and number of entrances, etc., being in these cases cookies expendables technically but beneficial for the user. This website will not install cookies expendables without the previous consent of the user, already was by means of a concrete statement, when it presses the button “Accept” available in the warning or a clear affirmative action, when it uses the services of the web or sails through her being present the “warning of cookies”.

The user has the possibility to configure his browser to be alerted of the reception of cookies and to prevent his installation in his team, being able to revoke the consent awarded for the installation of said cookies anytime. For more information, please consult our “Politics of Cookies”.


The servers of the website will be able to detect of automatic way the direction IP and the name of command used by the user. A direction IP is a number assigned automatically to a computer when this connects to Internet. All this information is registered in a file of activity of the server that allows the back processing of the data with the end to obtain measurements only statistical that allow to know the number of impressions of pages, the number of visits made to the servers web, the order of visits, the point of access, etc.


From the present website is possible that redirect to contents of third websites. Since the Provider cannot control always the contents entered by the third in his websites, this does not assume any type of responsibility with regard to said contents. Anyway, the Provider self-evident that will proceed to the immediate withdrawal of any content that could contravene the national or international legislation, the morals or the public order, proceeding to the immediate withdrawal of the redirect to said website, putting in knowledge of the competent authorities the content in question.

The Provider does not do responsible of the information and contents stored, to listing but no limiting, in forums, chat´s, generators of blogs, comments, social networks or any another half that allow to third publish contents of independent form in the web page of the Provider. Nevertheless and in fulfillment of the provisions in the art. 11 and 16 of the LSSICE, the Provider puts to disposal of all the users, authorities and security forces, collaborating of active form in the withdrawal or in his case block of all those contents that could affect or contravene the national legislation, or international, rights of third or the morals and the public order.

In case that the user consider that it exists in the website some content that could be susceptible of this classification, prays notify it of immediate form to the administrator of the website.

This website has been reviewed and tested so that it work properly. In principle, it can guarantee the correct operation the 365 days of the year, 24 hours to the day. Nevertheless, the Provider does not rule out the possibility that they exist some errors of programming, or that become causes of greater strength, natural catastrophes, strikes, or similar circumstances that make impossible the access to the web page.


The Provider finds deeply engaged with the fulfillment of the rule in matter of data protection of personal character, and guarantees the whole fulfillment of the obligations demanded, as well as the implementation of the measures of willing security by the valid rule, that is to say, the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679.

According to these obligations the Provider has to:

Likewise, the Provider informs that it gives fulfillment to the Law 34/2002 of 11 July, of Services of the Information Society and the E-commerce and will request him his consent to the treatment of his email with commercial ends in each moment. For more information see our “Privacy policy”.


The website, including to list but no limiting his programming, edition, compilation and other necessary elements for his operation, the designs, logos, text and/or charts are property of the Provider or in his case has of license or permission expresses by part of the authors.

All the contents of the website find properly protected by the rule of copyright and industrial.

Independently of the purpose for which went allocated, the total or partial reproduction, use, exploitation, distribution and commercialization, requires anyway of the permission written previous by part of the Provider. Any unauthorized use previously by part of the Provider will be considered a serious breach of the intellectual property rights or industrial of the author.

The designs, logos, text and/or extraneous charts to the Provider and that they could appear in the website, belong to his respective owners, being they same responsible of any possible controversy that could arouse with regard to the same. Anyway, the Provider has the permission expresses and previous by part of the same.

The Provider authorizes on purpose to that third can redirect directly to the concrete contents of the website, having to anyway redirect to the main page of the website of the Provider.

The Provider recognizes in favor of the holders the corresponding rights of intellectual property and industrial property, not involving his alone quotation or apparition in the website the existence of rights or responsibility some of the Provider on the same, as neither backrest, sponsorship or recommendation by his part.

To make any type of observation with regard to possible breaches of the intellectual property rights or industrial, as well as on any one of the contents of the website, can do it through the following email:


The Provider has hired for his website a certificate SSL (“Secure Sockets Layer”).
A certificate SSL allows to protect all the personal and confidential information that can handle in a website, independently of the information that was transmitting, as for example, from any one of the forms of contact of the website until the server, or the data entered for the subscription of bulletins of news or accesses to the areas protected, etc.

The direction of the website will appear in color green, activating the protocol “https” that allows safe connections from a server web to the browser of the user.


For the resolution of all the controversies or questions related with the present website or of the activities in him developed, will be of application the Spanish legislation, to which subject on purpose the parts, being competent for the resolution of all the derivative conflicts or related with his use the Courts and Courts of Estepona, Málaga, Spain.

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